Feb 15, 2012

A Corn Dessert

One of my favorite desserts
It is quite simple to do all you need are a few items. Plus the time it takes to cook its fast, and one does
not needs to do much.
1-Can of canned corn (a bit redundant, is`n it?)
4-5 Eggs (depend on how you want it, egg is added for consistency)
1-can of Sweetened (Condensed)milk ( Though you won`t be needing all of it)
1 Blender
1 Mold (plastic or glass)
Some butter, grease, o whatever it is tha you use to prevent the mixture from sticking to the mold

1. Pour all of the canned corn into the blender.
2.Add the sweetend milk, at taste, will.
3. Add the eggs ( I suggest you use 4)
4. Blend it till you have a homogeneous mixture.
5. Grease the mold ( it has to be microwave-fit)
6. Pour the mixture into the mold and into the microwave, put it on medium, or however you want it.
7. It is porous, once it is solid, get it out and let it cool.
8. Put it inside the refrigerator. Or eat it.

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